The fees for the academic year 2024/25 can be downloaded here.
This document contains a breakdown of tuition, application and admission fees as well as security deposits and the invoice dates for the termly fees.
Information on Discounts:
Scholarships are currently available for pupils wishing to join our Sixth Form. If you would like to apply, please contact our Admissions Team, call 02 136 7898 or LINE:@brightoncollegebkk.
Fees which are excluded from the fee schedule above are class day trips, overnight residential trips, transport, examination fees, activities offered at school by non-Brighton teaching staff and school uniforms. Information about these can be obtained from our Admissions Department.
Publication date 8th October 2020. All fees quoted are in Thai Baht and are subject to change.
Withdrawal Notice
The College requires at least one term’s notice of a pupil’s withdrawal. The withdrawal form is available at the Admissions Office. Parents withdrawing their child from the College are required to fill in the withdrawal form and submit it to the Admissions Office before the relevant deadline (see Billing Calendar).
Should the withdrawal form be submitted later than the deadline, the College reserves the right to retain the security deposit.
Pupils graduating at the end of Year 13 are exempted from this requirement to give notice.