Summer camps at Brighton College International School, Bangkok

English & Leadership Camp: Discover Your Potential!

8th - 26th July 2024 (3 weeks)


9 am - 3 pm daily

Ages: 4 - 12 Years old

Price: 45,000 THB per camper


Express Yourself: Talk better and team up!


Join us for an unforgettable summer camp experience at Brighton College Bangkok, a prestigious international school nestled in the vibrant city of Bangkok. Our beautiful campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including spacious classrooms, modern sports fields, and a stunning swimming pool, providing the perfect backdrop for an enriching and enjoyable summer camp experience.

Develop effective communication skills through interactive workshops. From public speaking to team collaboration, students will refine their abilities to express ideas with clarity and confidence.


Emotional Intelligence Boost: Boost empathy and make connections!


Nurture emotional intelligence through engaging activities and discussions. Students will learn to understand and manage emotions, fostering empathy and strong interpersonal connections.


Team Trouble Solving: Learn to help and share in groups!


Dive into responsibility-building challenges that instill a sense of accountability. From group projects to community initiatives, Students will learn the importance of taking ownership and making a positive impact.


Heroic Honesty: Solve tricky situations for trustworthy leadership!


Explore the essence of integrity through real-world scenarios and ethical dilemmas. Students will understand the significance of making principled decisions, creating a foundation for trustworthy leadership.


Resilience Adventures: Build a positive mindset through fun challenges!


Equip students with resilience through challenging adventures and team-building activities. Overcoming obstacles and learning from setbacks will fortify their ability to navigate challenges with a positive mindset.


Leadership Language: Learn English while becoming a leader!


Embracing a holistic approach, our camp integrates leadership development with English language improvement. This dual-focus ensures that students not only emerge as confident leaders but also proficient English speakers.

Schedule for July Camp 2024

KG Pupils


Junior Pupils


Senior Pupils



Registration Form:


For more information, contact: Tel. +66(2)136 7898

Email: @email