

There was excitement in the air this week as CCAs came back to life after the hibernation of the Summer holidays!


IGCSE Exams Result

We are proud of all of our pupils, but these two deserve a special mention for their superstar results, they literally could not have done any better in their IGCSE qualifications, what a great way


New Academic Staff Members

We are delighted to introduce the new academic staff members joining us this year and a big welcome back to our returning staff! It has been so lovely to see both new and old faces back on campus.


A Levels Exams Result

We are so happy for T.A., as her hard work was rewarded with two A* and two A grades, which earned her a place at King’s College London to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics.


World Environment Day

In recognition of World Environment Day, our Brighton College Bangkok Prep School Eco Team worked together with the Eco Team from Brighton College Vietnam to tell a story of two fates.